Experience web3 decentralized cloud storage
\n \n{{storage_percent}} % storage capacity - {{ storage_convert }}/{{ maxStorage_convert }}
\nWaiting for data ...
\n\nExample: mytrustedcloud/mypath/
\nPath: {{fileKeyCustom}}
\n File: {{fileFile}}
\n Size: {{fileSizeConvert}}
\n Created: {{fileCreated}}\n
Real-time locations of your file’s pieces on Storj decentralised storage:
{{ item.name }}
\n{{ $auth.user.email }}
Subscription: {{$auth.user[\"https://www.mytrustedcloud.io/subscription\"]}}\n
Storage capacity: {{maxstorage_convert}}\n
Upload file size limit: {{maxupload_convert}}
Experience web3 decentralized cloud storage
\n{{ item.name }}
\n\n File: {{fileFile}}
\n Size: {{fileSizeConvert}}
\n Created: {{fileCreated}}\n
Real-time locations of the file’s pieces on decentralised storage: